How Ticket Systems Changed in Indian Public Transport

In the last 10 years, many new public transport systems opened across India. Many big cities built metro train lines. People now use these metros to travel. This article shows how metro tickets changed over time.

Moving from Paper to Tokens

Old public transport in India used paper tickets. Later, plastic token tickets came. These tokens had a chip inside. The chip stored ticket information. People could reuse tokens many times. Tokens lasted longer than paper tickets. When the Mumbai Metro and Delhi Metro started, they used plastic tokens.

Slowly, more people got smartphones. Now some metros allow mobile ticket booking on phone apps. But not everyone has a smartphone. Paper tickets and tokens are still needed as a backup.

Comparing Tokens and Paper Tickets

Plastic tokens last longer than paper tickets. They don't get damaged easily. Tokens can be different colors for different metro lines. This helps people take the right train.

But making and throwing paper tickets makes less pollution. Recycling plastic tokens uses more energy. Paper tickets don't need complex machines. Printing paper tickets is cheaper. Paper ticket design can change easily.

Problems with Tokens

Tokens can jam up the exit gates during rush hour. The gates must close to remove tokens. Paper tickets don't have this problem.

Recycling tokens needs more staff and machines. If programming machines break, no new tokens can be made. Paper tickets only need simple printers.

Return to Paper Tickets

Because of these issues, metros have shifted back to paper tickets. Some still use tokens. But most now use paper tickets or both.

Paper tickets cause less waste and problems. They are easy to understand. Mobile tickets are also expanding. Different ticket systems have different benefits. Mixing paper and digital gives metro riders a choice.

Future of Ticketing

Paper and mobile tickets will likely keep growing. New technology like biometric tickets may also come.

Public needs will decide future ticketing systems. Metros have to balance convenience, inclusion, and sustainability. The evolution continues as new tech arises.

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